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Ulsanic Tablets 500mg

Ulsanic Tablets 500mg

Regular price Rs.200.00
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Ulsanic Tablets Specification

Requires Prescription (YES/NO)




Used For

Acidity & Heartburn

How it works

Sucralfate is a complex of aluminium hydroxide and sucrose octasulfate. It dissociates in the acid environment of the stomach to its anionic form, which binds to the ulcer base. This creates a protective barrier to pepsin and bile and inhibits the diffusion of gastric acid.

Ulsanic Tablets Usage And Safety



Side Effects

Nervous system disorders : Less frequent: Dizziness, drowsiness , Frequency unknown: Vertigo ; Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders : Less frequent: Skin rashes, pruritus ; Gastrointestinal disordersFrequent: Constipation Less frequent: Diarrhoea, nausea, dry mouth, gastric discomfort.

Drug Interactions

Cimetidine, ranitidine, digoxin, ketoconazole, phenytoin, fluoroquinolone antibacterials, tetracycline, levothyroxine, quinidine, theophylline and possibly warfarin.


It is used to treat : Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis and reflux oesophagitis. • It produces relief of subjective symptoms of peptic ulceration e.g. epigastric pain, hyperchlorhydria, vomiting. •Maintenance treatment after successful endoscopically proven, recently healed duodenal ulcer.

When not to Use

Hypersensitivity to sucralfate or to any of the excipients found in this product.

Ulsanic Tablets Precautions


It should be administered with caution in patients with renal impairment or on dialysis, due to the possibility of increased aluminium absorption.

Ulsanic Tablets Warnings

Warning 1

Aluminium accumulation and toxicity (aluminium osteodystrophy, osteomalacia, encephalopathy) have been described in patients with renal impairment. Blood levels of aluminium, phosphate, calcium, alkalinephosphatase, should be periodically measured in these patients.

Warning 2

Caution is advised when sacralfate is administered in patients with phosphate deficiencies as aluminium binds to phosphate in the gastrointestinal tract, inhibiting its absorption.

Warning 3

Occasional cases of bezoar (an insoluble mass formed within the gastric lumen) have been reported in patients taking sucralfate. Bezoars have been described in patients after administration of sucralfate in severely ill patients in Intensive Care Units, and especially in premature infants in whom the use of sucralfate is not recommended, and should be used with caution in patients with delayed gastric emptying or receiving concomitant enteral feeds.

Ulsanic Tablets Additional Information

Pregnancy category

Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

Storage (YES/NO)

Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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