Sante (Private) Limited

Santodex Eye Drops 5Ml

Santodex Eye Drops 5Ml

Regular price Rs.1,741.00
Regular price Sale price Rs.1,741.00
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How To Use

  • Take this medicine by mouth.
  • It is advised to take this medicine with milk or food to avoid stomach upset.
  • For dose adjustments please consult your doctor.

Expert Advice

Take with meals.

Do not stop this medication suddenly.

Avoid alcohol.

Have regular eye examinations.

Check glucose levels reguarly, if you have diabetes. 

Primary Uses

Allergy and asthma


This medicine is indicated in infected inflammatory conditions, rheumatology (disorders of muscles and joints), pumonary disease  (lung disease). 

Side Effects

Patients using this medication may at times experience corneal thinning, cataract, fungal infection and rise in intraocular (eye) pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms for a long period of time, consult your doctor immediately.



Pregnant females are advised to consult their doctors before using this medicine. 


Effect is undetermined in lactating females. Consult your doctor for further advice. 


It is safe to drive after taking this medicine. 


Caution is advised, better to consult your doctor before taking this medicine.


Caution is advised, better to consult your doctor before taking this medicine.


Alcohol is prohibited. Please avoid consuming alcohol while using this medicine.


Avoid extreme cautions in chicken pox, measles, renal (impairment), hepatic (liver)failure, myasthenia gravis (neuromuscular disease),epilepsy (seizures), congestive heart failure. Withdraw gradually.

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