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Martin Dow Pharmaceuticals (Pak) Ltd

Rivotril 2.5mg/ml Drop

Rivotril 2.5mg/ml Drop

Regular price Rs.500.00
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Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) works by calming your brain and nerves. It belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam)

  • Depression severe
  • Sleepiness
  • Nervousness
  • Uncontrolled body movements
  • Reduced intellectual abilities
  • Allergy severe
  • Decreased sexual urge
  • Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Blurred vision
  • Muscle pain

Uses of Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam)

What is it prescribed for?

  • Seizure disorder

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) is used in the prevention and management of seizures of different types.

  • Panic attacks

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) is used for the prevention and management of panic attacks and associated episodes of anxiety, if present.

  • Sleep disorders

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) is also used in the treatment of a specific sleep disorder known as REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder


Frequently asked questions

  • Onset of action

    The effect of this medicine can be observed within 30 to 40 minutes of administration.

  • Duration of Effect

    The effect of this medicine lasts for an average duration of 6 to 8 hours in adults. This duration increases to 12 hours in infants and children.

  • Safe with Alchohol?

    Consumption of alcohol should be avoided while you are taking Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) . Activities which require high mental alertness should be avoided and symptoms like dizziness, difficulty in breathing should be reported to the doctor immediately.

  • Is it habit forming?

    Habit forming tendencies were reported in some cases especially if the usage is for an extended period of time. A gradual withdrawal of the drug i.e. decrease in dosing over a period of time is suggested in such cases.

  • Usage in pregnancy?

    This medicine is not recommended during pregnancy until absolutely necessary. It is known to cause harm to the fetus. Infants born to a mother taking this drug during pregnancy may show withdrawal symptoms.

  • Usage while breast-feeding?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in women who are lactating as the likelihood of side effects on the infant is very high. However, the potential benefits and associated risks should be discussed with your doctor in cases where it is necessary to take this medicine.

When not to use?

  • Allergy

    [post-title] is not recommended for use if you have a known history of allergy to Benzodiazepine group of drugs.

  • Liver disease

    [post-title] is not recommended for use if you have an active liver disease or abnormality.

  • Glaucoma

    [post-title] is not recommended for use if you have Acute Narrow Angle Glaucoma. However, it can be administered for Open Angle Glaucoma.


Warnings for special population
  • Pregnancy

    This medicine is not recommended during pregnancy until absolutely necessary. It is known to cause harm to the fetus. Infants born to a mother taking this drug during pregnancy may show withdrawal symptoms.

  • Breast-feeding

    This medicine is not recommended for use in women who are lactating as the likelihood of side effects on the infant is very high. However, the potential benefits and associated risks should be discussed with your doctor in cases where it is necessary to take this medicine.

General Warnings
  • Suicidal tendencies

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) can cause suicidal behavior if the usage duration is prolonged. Such patients should be closely monitored and any behavioural changes should be reported to the doctor.

  • Interference with awareness and movements

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) can interfere with general awareness and body movements. You should refrain from operating heavy machinery or performing work that requires a high level of mental alertness.

  • Withdrawal symptoms

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) can cause withdrawal symptoms if the usage is stopped abruptly. Gradual withdrawal is suggested in case you have been taking this medicine for long.

  • Drug abuse

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) should be used with caution if you have a history of drug abuse. Chances of dependency are very high especially if the intended use is for a long duration of time.

  • Seizures

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) can cause an onset of seizures if you have a history of epilepsy. Appropriate medicines should be taken along with Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) to counter the possibility of drug-induced seizures.


  • Missed Dose

    Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is time for the next scheduled dose then the missed dose can be skipped. Contact your doctor and seek advice if you there are any doubts regarding dosage.

  • Overdose

    Contact a doctor immediately if an overdose is suspected. Symptoms of an overdose like drowsiness, confusion or fainting should be reported immediately.


Interaction with Medicines
  • Atenolol moderate
  • Carbamazepine moderate
  • Cetirizine moderate
  • Codeine severe
Disease interactions
  • severe

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) is not recommended for use if you are suffering from Closed Angle Glaucoma. It can be used if you have Open Angle Glaucoma but are not receiving any treatment for it.

  • severe

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) should be used with caution if you are suffering from respiratory disorders. Treatment with this medicine requires an individualized dose adjustment and periodic monitoring of symptoms.

  • severe

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) should be used with caution if you suffering from an active liver disorder. Suitable dose adjustment and safety monitoring may be required in such cases.

  • moderate

    Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) should be used with caution in obese patients with careful monitoring of symptoms. An increase in dosing intervals might be necessary in some cases.

General Instructions

Take Rivotril 0.25% Drop 10 ml(Clonazepam) exactly as instructed by your doctor. Taking the right quantity for the right duration is very critical given that it may be habit-forming. Appropriate medical tests should be conducted periodically to assess safety. Never discontinue usage without consulting your doctor.

Other details

  • Food timings: Information not available
  • Administration time: Information not available
  • Sleep inducing: Information not available
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