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Certeza Pediatric Inner-spring Deluxe Dual Head Stethoscope - CR-747X

Certeza Pediatric Inner-spring Deluxe Dual Head Stethoscope - CR-747X

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Product Description

Product Name: Certeza Pediatric Inner-spring Deluxe Dual Head Stethoscope - CR-747X

Product Form: Stethoscope

Pack Size: 1's

Manufactured By: Certeza

Used For:

The Certeza Pediatric Inner-spring Deluxe Dual Head Stethoscope - CR-747X is a medical instrument used for:

  • Auscultation: Listening to internal sounds of the body, which is crucial for medical examination and diagnosis. It helps in assessing:
    • Heart sounds: Detecting heart murmurs, heart rate, rhythm, and other cardiac anomalies.
    • Lung sounds: Identifying breathing irregularities, such as wheezing, crackles, or other respiratory issues.
    • Bowel sounds: Checking for normal or abnormal bowel sounds, which can indicate gastrointestinal issues.
    • Blood flow: Measuring blood pressure and listening to the blood flow in arteries and veins.


  • Dual head chestpiece: Allows for listening to both high and low-frequency sounds by using either the diaphragm or the bell.
    • Diaphragm: Used for high-frequency sounds, ideal for listening to breath and heart sounds.
    • Bell: Used for low-frequency sounds, helpful in detecting heart murmurs and certain bowel sounds.
  • Flexible binaural: Adjustable for a comfortable fit and better acoustic performance.
  • Comfortable earpieces: Soft-sealing earpieces that ensure a good acoustic seal and comfort during prolonged use.
  • Durable construction: Built to withstand frequent use in a clinical setting.

Potential Issues:

  1. Discomfort:

    • Earpieces: Improperly fitting earpieces can cause discomfort or irritation in the ears, especially with prolonged use.
    • Binaural spring tension: Excessive tension in the binaural spring can cause discomfort or pain around the ears and head.
  2. Allergic Reactions:

    • Material Sensitivity: Some users may be allergic to the materials used in the stethoscope, such as latex or certain plastics, leading to skin irritation or allergic reactions.
  3. Infection Risk:

    • Cross-Contamination: If the stethoscope is not properly cleaned and disinfected between uses, it can become a vector for infections, transmitting pathogens between patients or between patients and healthcare providers.
  4. Acoustic Issues:

    • Hearing Damage: Prolonged exposure to high volume levels or sudden loud noises through the stethoscope can potentially cause hearing damage.
    • Reduced Sound Quality: Wear and tear, or improper maintenance, can lead to reduced acoustic performance, affecting the ability to accurately diagnose conditions.


  1. Proper Fit:

    • Ensure earpieces are the correct size and fit snugly without causing discomfort.
    • Adjust the binaural spring tension if possible to achieve a comfortable fit.
  2. Hygiene:

    • Regularly clean and disinfect the stethoscope, especially after examining different patients, to prevent the spread of infections.
    • Use alcohol wipes or other suitable disinfectants recommended for medical equipment.
  3. Material Considerations:

    • Choose a stethoscope made from hypoallergenic materials if you have known allergies to latex or other common materials used in stethoscopes.
  4. Regular Maintenance:

    • Periodically inspect the stethoscope for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks in the tubing or damage to the chestpiece.
    • Replace any worn or damaged parts to ensure optimal performance.
  5. Usage Technique:

    • Learn the proper technique for using both the diaphragm and bell to ensure accurate auscultation.
    • Avoid exposure to loud noises through the stethoscope to protect your hearing.

By taking these precautions and ensuring proper use and maintenance, you can minimize any potential issues associated with the use of the Senior Deluxe Stethoscope and maintain its effectiveness as a diagnostic tool.

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