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Servier Research And Pharmaceuticals Pakistan

Coversyl 4mg Tab

Coversyl 4mg Tab

Regular price Rs.346.00
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Expert Advice

It is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart faliure.

This medication is contraindicated in pregnancy.

It is suggested to use this medicine after consulting a doctor as the effect of this medicine is undetermined.

It is not suggested to be used in patients with kidney impairment and those undergoing surgery. Risk factors for hypotension (low blood pressure), hypertrophic cardiac myopathy (heart muscle is abnormally thick), unstable angina (chest pain) during first month of treatment, desensitisation, hyperkalaemia (high potassium level in blood), Monitor serum electrolytes. 

This medication is contraindicated in patients with history of angioedema (swelling of lower layer of skin) with previous ACE inhibitor therapy.

Side effects:
The use of this medicine is associated with side effects such as rash, tiredness, gout, abdominal pain, headache, mild cough, decrease in red cells and platelets, proteinuria (excess protien in urine), pruritis (unpleasant sensation of the skin), hypotension (low blood pressure), dysgeusia (distortion of sense of taste), GI upset, muscle cramps, parasthesia, dizziness, visual disturbance, tinnitus (ringing in ears), dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing), hyperkalaemia (high potassium level in blood).

Primary Uses



It is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart faliure.

Side Effects

The use of this medicine is associated with side effects such as rash, tiredness, gout, abdominal pain, headache, mild cough, decrease in red cells and platelets, proteinuria (excess protien in urine), pruritis (unpleasant sensation of the skin), hypotension (low blood pressure), dysgeusia (distortion of sense of taste), GI upset, muscle cramps, parasthesia, dizziness, visual disturbance, tinnitus (ringing in ears), dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing), hyperkalaemia (high potassium level in blood).

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