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Alfa-D Drop 2 mcg/mL 20 mL

Alfa-D Drop 2 mcg/mL 20 mL

Regular price Rs.750.00
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Product Description

Product Name: Alfa-D Drop 2 mcg/mL 20 mL

Product Form: Drop
Pack Size: 20 mL


Used For:

  • Alfa-D Drop is primarily used for treating or preventing vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to conditions like rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. It is also used to support bone health and calcium absorption.

Side Effects:

  • Generally, Alfa-D Drop is well-tolerated when used appropriately. However, some potential side effects may include:
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Constipation
    • Weakness
    • Headache
    • Metallic taste in the mouth


  • Before using Alfa-D Drop, inform your healthcare provider about any allergies you may have and any other medications you are taking.
  • Follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist carefully to avoid overdose.
  • Infants and children may require different dosages, so consult a pediatrician for appropriate dosing.
  • Monitor blood calcium levels regularly during treatment, especially in patients with kidney disease or other conditions that affect calcium metabolism.
  • Avoid taking excessive amounts of vitamin D from other supplements or fortified foods while using Alfa-D Drop, as it may lead to vitamin D toxicity.

Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding the use of Alfa-D Drop and any potential side effects or precautions specific to your situation.


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