
Recept 2mg Tab

Recept 2mg Tab

Regular price Rs.264.00
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Expert Advice

  • Do not dilute the medication with tea or cola.
  • Empty bladder (where urine is stored) before taking medication.
  • Take sufficient amount of fluids (2-3 liters per day) to maintain hydration, unless restricted by your doctor.
  • Change position slowly from sitting or lying to standing.

Primary Uses

Bipolar disorders


This medication is used for the treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenia (a condition in which people perceive a different reality), other psychosis (fits), affective symptoms of schizophrenia

Side Effects

The adverse effects of this medication are orthostatic hypotension (decrease in blood pressure on standing up suddenly), reflex tachycardia (increased heart rate), extrapyramidal symptoms (symptoms of Parkinson's disease), galactorrhea (spontaneous flow of milk from the breast without lactation) and menstrual disturbance. Sexual dysfunction, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, headache, fatigue, dizziness, impaired concentration, weight gain, gastrointestinal disturbance, rhinitis (allergic irritation in the nose), rash, blurred vision, depression, somnolence, RTI, ear infection, dyspnea (shortness of breath), epistaxis (sudden bleeding from the nose), cough, nasal congestion, pharyngolaryngeal pain (pain in throat), GI upset, dry mouth, tooth ache, priapism (a condition in which there is an excessive blood flow to the penis, causing prolonged erection), urinary incontinence (difficulty in passing urine), UTI (urinary tract infection), BP change, tachycardia (increased heart rate), AV block (problems with heart), amenorrhea (absence of periods), gynaecomastia (enlargement of breasts in males), skin reactions, altered LFTs, hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar), hyperprolactenemia (increased prolactin in blood), anemia, conjuctivitis, asthenia (weakness in muscles), fatigue, muscle spasm, musculoskeletal pain, pain in extremeties, pyrexia (fever), edema (accumulation of fluid in some parts of the body), chest pain, flu-like illness. Rarely, neuroleptic malignant syndrome (a condition in which there is fever, rigidity of muscles and altered mental status), water intoxication with hyponatraemia (decreased sodium in blood), seizures, tardive dyskinesia (stiff, jerky movements of your face and body that you can't control) and intraoperative floppy eye syndrome ( a condition in which there is the colored part (iris) prolapse after surgery).

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