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Gpride-MSR 1mg/500mg tablet is composed ofGlimepirideMetformin

Glimepiride medicine is used, in combination with an appropriate diet and exercise, for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus (a condition characterized by elevated sugar levels) that is inadequately controlled by metformin alone or metformin and other antidiabetic medicines. It does not treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Its prescribed and consistent use helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, prevents organ damage, and lowers the probability of heart, kidney, and brain disease.

Rs. 7.63/tablet

10 tablet(s)/Strip

Pack Size: 3 x 10's tablet

Rs. 76.27 Rs. 84.74


Rs. 76.27


How To Use

  • Take this medicine by mouth with a glass of water.
  • Take this medicine right before breakfast or a main meal.
  • Swallow it as a whole, do not crush or chew the medicine.
  • Take it at the same time every day to help you remember.
  • Or use it exactly as instructed by your doctor.

Expert Advice

Avoid this medication if:

  • You are allergic to this medicine or it's contents (Sulfa, etc.)

Consult your doctor if:

  • You are pregnant, planning to have a child, or breastfeeding.
  • You have any sort of digestive problems.
  • You have a medical history of: Liver diseases, kidney diseases, thyroid problems, blood disorders, etc.
  • Inform your physician about any other medication you are taking. Especially NSAIDs, thyroid medicines or blood pressure medications (such as Beta Blockers, or ACE inhibitors.)

Be careful about:

  • Having your meals on time to maintain blood sugar levels
  • Taking the medicine timely, in the way that your physician has prescribed (with food)
  • Following the lifestyle changes that your physician has suggested.
  • Alcohol consumption should be avoided.

Primary Uses

Type II Diabetes


This medicine is used for managing non-insulin dependent diabetes

Side Effects

Patients using this medicine might experience:

  • low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)
  • temporary visual impairment
  • stomach disturbances
  • liver impairment
  • metallic taste
  • rash
  • abnormal Vitamin B-12 levels.



This medicine is not recommended for pregnant females as it may have adverse effects on the unborn child. Please consult your doctor for more information.


This medicine is not recommended for nursing females as it may have adverse effects on the infant. Please consult your doctor for more information.


This medicine may cause dizziness during driving. Therefore, please avoid driving immediately after taking this medicine.


Liver patients should use this medicine with caution. Dose adjustment might be required. Consult your doctor for more information.


Kidney patients should use this medicine with caution. Dose adjustment might be required. Consult your doctor for more information.


Avoid alcohol consumption when using this medicine. It may increase the severity of side effects.


Before using this medicine, inform your doctor about your complete medical history, especially about heart disease, kidney diseases, and diabetes. Do not discontinue this medicine without informing your doctor. Inform your doctor about all your current medicines and significant past medical history. Inform your doctor if you are undergoing any surgery.


  • Allergy to sulfonylurea or sulphonamides
  • Type I diabetes
  • diabetic ketonaemia (abnormally high levels of ketone bodies)
  • metabolic acidosis (metabolic disorder with increased acidity in body)
  • lactic acidosis (buildup of Lactate in body causing acidity)
  • malnourished or debilitated patients
  • adrenal insufficiency
  • severe lung dysfunction
  • hypoxemia (decreased concentration of oxygen in blood)
  • dehydration
  • congestive heart failure.


What family of drugs does this medicine belong to?

This drug belongs to a class of drugs known as sulfonylureas. These drugs are used in the treatment and management of diabetes.

Is it safe to have Glimepiride with other anti-diabetic medications such as Sitagliptin?

It is safe to take these medications together, if your physician has recommended it. However, it is important to be even more careful about your meals and dosing schedule, to lower the risk of low blood sugar.

Can this drug be used with Insulin?

If your physician has recommended adding insulin to your treatment, then it should be taken along with this drug. Please make sure that you do not change the prescribed doses in any way, since this may cause changes in blood sugar levels.

Is it better to take metformin with this drug?

Metformin belongs to a different class of drugs, and it can be used along with this drug to improve blood sugar levels. It is safe to take metformin along with this drug, only if your doctor recommends it, and keeping the necessary precautions in mind.

Can this medicine cause low blood sugar?

This is a possible side effect, but can be avoided if meals are taken regularly.

Is this drug safe to use during pregnancy?

No. This drug is not recommended for use in pregnancy. Please consult your doctor before using it during pregnancy.

Can I use this drug during lactation?

No. The use of this medication is not recommended for use during lactation. Please consult your doctor before using this drug during breast feeding.

Can I use this medicine if I have a kidney disease?

This medicine is not recommended for use in kidney problems because it can further worsen the condition. Please consult your doctor for further assistance.

Can I use this medication if I have a liver impairment?

Glimepiride is advised to use cautiously in patients with liver disease. Your doctor may carefully alter the doses if you suffer from it.

What will happen if I skip glimepiride for few days?

This medicine should not be skipped as it can worsen your diabetes. If however, this medication is missed, take the missed pill as soon as you remember but do not double the dose. Complete the full course as recommended by your doctor.

Can I use this drug if I have sulfa allergy?

Avoid using this drug if you are allergic to sulfonylureas or sulfonamides.

Can I use this drug with my blood pressure medicine?

Certain blood pressure medicines may increase the effect of glimepiride and cause the blood sugar levels to fall even more causing hypoglycemia. For this reason, you must consult your doctor before starting therapy with this drug along with any hypertension medicines.

What family of drugs does this medicine belong to?

Metformin belongs to a class of drugs known as biguanides. It is used to improve insulin activity, and control weight in diabetic patients. It is also known to regulate menstrual cycles (periods) and is used in the treatment of PCOs (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease.)

Does this medicine contain hormones, or insulin?

No, this drug does not contain hormones, or insulin,. It enhances the effect of insulin, which helps patients with diabetes or PCOs, since their bodies tend to develop a resistance to the actions of insulin.

Can this drug be used with thyroid medications, and steroids?

Though there is no dangerous drug interaction, an adjustment in doses of both anti thyroid drugs, and steroids (eg: prednisone) may be required. It should be noted that patients taking steroids sometimes develop diabetes as a side effect. Please consult your physician, and discuss all the medicines you are taking, including their doses.

What is lactic acidosis and does this medication cause it?

Lactic acidosis is a very rare, and potentially fatal side effect of this medication. It occurs when there is an excessive buildup of lactic acid in the body. It may occur in patients who have overdosed. Symptoms include stomach problems, dizziness, breathing difficulty, muscle aches, irregular heartbeat, etc. Patients who experience these symptoms should go to a doctor immediately.

How long should I use this medicine for?

Please use this medicine for the time that has been prescribed, and in the dose prescribed by your physician. Using it for longer than prescribed can cause side effects such as Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Can this medicine cause low blood sugar?

Low blood sugar is rare with Metformin, but it is a possible side effect, especially if you are taking other anti-diabetic drugs. Please maintain regularity in meals, dosage, and exercise to maintain blood sugar levels, and continue monitoring sugar levels. Also carry sugar or a sugary drink in case you feel dizzy, or develop any other sign of low blood sugar.

What do I do if I miss a dose?

You can take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If you remember when it is almost time for your next dose, then skip the missed dose entirely. Do not double your dose to catch up for missed doses.

What will happen if I skip a meal?

It is important to maintain regularity in meals, and exercise. Low blood sugar is rare, but may occur if you are taking other anti-diabetic medication.

Will this medicine make me loose or gain weight?

Weight gain is unlikely with this medicine, however, it does cause weight loss. This is because it improves the actions of insulin, and decreases hunger. Please take note that this drug is not a medicine which treats weight loss, and should only be used if prescribed by your physician. This medicine may, however, cause bloating. It is best taken after meals to avoid this side effect.

Can this medication cause any Vitamin deficiency or anemia?

This medication can result in a vitamin B12 deficiency after being used for a long time, and this can cause anemia. Please discuss with your doctor if you are already anemic, or if you start experiencing symptoms such as paleness, weakness, lethargy, etc.

Is it safe to use in patients with liver disease?

In patients who have fatty liver, and hepatitis C related liver disease, it is safe and is recommended. However, it is discouraged in patients who have liver cirrhosis, due to its association with lactic acidosis.

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