Acto Pharmaceuticals

Clobederm Ointment

Clobederm Ointment

Regular price Rs.72.00
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Expert Advice

  • It is advised to not share your medicine with anyone.
  • In case of worsening or no improvement in condition it is advised to contact prescriber.
  • In case of adults over 60 special caution needs to be taken, as pre-existing skin atrophy increases the risk of purpura & skin cuts.
  • Its usage in children under 12 is not recommended. Risk of HPA axis suppression arises.

Primary Uses


It is used is indicated in conditions like psoriasis (skin cells multiply faster than normal), intractable eczemas (atopic eczema of infancy & childhood that remain intractable), & other inflammatory dermatoses.

Side Effects

It includes: burning, itching, irritation, erythema (redness of skin), dryness, folliculitis (inflammation in hair follicles), hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth), pruritus (itching). Also in case of hypersensitivity reaction like contact dermatitis, it is advised to discontinue the therapy.

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